Productions just love their special props and costumes. But the fact of the matter is that CDS does not have unlimited storage space. The rules are simple. If you buy or build something for your production, you must refer to the chairman of the Props and Costumes committee as to whether a particular item can be kept.
Here are some simple guidelines.
- You may not modify any standard stage equipment without the permission of the Theatre Manager. In a recent production, all of the carefully constructed platforms were dismantled and the ply and timber used to build one-off items. This means that the theatre management volunteers have to re-create those platforms - a terrible waste of time. You may not cut a 12' flat or door or window assembly down to some lower height - build your own and then dismantle it after your event.
- Borrow furniture from sponsors such as Sticks and Stones or borrow from members. Return all furniture the day following the conclusion of your event.
- For smaller items and costumes which you feel might be useful in the future, ASK! If they are wanted, they must be left on stage in Banker boxes - if there are no boxes available, buy a couple on the budget of your show. Leave the boxes stage left and let the chairman of Props and Costumes know that they are there. Please DO NOT place any purchased items into the props storage outside.
- It is the responsibility of the production to return CDS props back to Props storage - and in the correct place. Use your smartphone to record a picture of where you took stuff from and replace them there the day after your show ends.
- All CDS costumes must be dry-cleaned and then returned to the hanging ra cks upstairs outside the Costumes store. Leaving them in the Green Room for someone else to do it is discourteous and wastes volunteer time.
- The same applies to costumes which it has been agreed should be retained. All other costumes must be removed from the theatre on the day after your show ends.
These simple rules will ensure that our overworked stage and props/costumes volunteers continue to offer their services.
Many thanks for helping.